I can’t believe how fast time is going by! In our last update dry season had just started and now we’re entering rainy season. So much has happened in the interim! Before getting into that – I just want to say that I’m psyched! Why? We’re offering another on-site PDC![…]
Vision of a New Life
This story is a future vision of our project. We hope it inspires you as much as it did us in writing it.
Relating – Relacionándose
Truly relating to one another is crucial to forming community. Here’s some musings on that.
El verdadero relacionamento entre personas es crucial a la formación de comunidad. Aqui les dejamos algunos pensamientos al respecto.
Positivity – Positividad
Today I want to talk about positivity. There is too much negativity in the world, too many terrible events – both natural and man-made. I don’t have to cite examples, don’t want to – there’s just too much of it and I think it’s growing. That’s why positivity is so important.
Corporations and Sustainability
A colleague was just mentioning an article that described how Skype has changed over the years, pointing out that communications are now fed through a central server at Microsoft and monitored. This got me thinking. I have long since foregone any expectation of privacy in communications. Unless and until there[…]